Category: Car Accidents

Car Accidents and Passengers

If you’re the passenger and the driver caused the accident you have a claim against the driver for causing an accident. If the other car was partially responsible, you have a claim against them as well. As a passenger you most likely have little or no fault in that accident. The driver or the other […]

Discovery During a Car Accident Lawsuit

If I’ve been in a car accident and the other insurance company wants information from me including a statement, medical records, or other documents, what should I do? I’m always leery of signing a blanket medical release when the other side requests medical information that is broadly described. If we, as your lawyers, let them […]

Car Accidents and Comparative Negligence

Q: What if the other driver asserts that I’m partially responsible for the accident? Nevada is not a state where if you are partially responsible you don’t get anything. If you are 51% or more at fault, you get nothing. However, a Reno car accident attorney would explain that if you are found to be […]

Determining Responsibility

With respect to the determination of how much responsibility I bear in the auto accident, is that a negotiation between you and the other insurance company, or is there some other formula that is used? Is it a police report? It’s a combination of factors, but essentially, when an car accident report doesn’t cite either […]

Contributory Negligence

If I’m an injured motorist, and I wasn’t solely responsible for the accident, what happens? If a certain amount of comparative fault is determined to be associated with you in a car accident, a Reno car accident lawyer can explain how the amount for which you are not at fault would result in a percentage […]

If I’ve Been in An Accident, Do I Need a Lawyer?

Without hiring a lawyer, you could lose out on compensation. But, with that said, there is no set answer because each car accident is different and distinct in its own way. When you’ve been in a car accident, you have a lot on your mind. The foremost thing is most likely the injuries that you […]
